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Writer's picturePatrícia Rosas

PORTUGAL | Do you know the average salary per district?!

During these days, a survey was published on the Idealista website, which informs the average salary per district in Portugal in 2017.

Did you know that according to Idealista, an employee in Portugal earns, on average, 1,133.3 euros per month?! There are a lot of differences in salaries if we look at the values ​​by district.

As we intend to live in Lisbon, it is interesting to know the average salary there. We were super excited to know that working earns 25% more than the national average in Lisbon. It's 334 euros more than in the Porto district, and more than 500 euros if we go to Guarda. But we understand that to reach this average we have to have our differential, including English. We suggest that you do a search for job opportunities in which you are interested and review the prerequisites. This way you can better prepare for future opportunities and applications.

These are gross figures and include bonuses, subsidies and even overtime, according to data from the Ministry of Labor's staff, referring to 2017, cited by ECO. The district where you earn the most, after Lisbon, is Setúbal, with an average monthly salary of 1,207.9 euros. At the bottom of the table below appears Bragança: in this district the average monthly salary does not exceed 885 euros.

Our article was based on the publication by Idealista on 09 July 2019, to access the original article, click here.

Source: www.idealista.pt/news/financas/mercado-laboral/2019/07/08/40196-salarios-medios-por-distrito-onde-e-que-se-ganha-mais-em-portugal

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