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Foto do escritorPatrícia Rosas

PORTUGAL | Declaration of Entry

(Under Articles 14 and 16 of Law No. 23/2007 of July 4 and its subsequent amendments)

Lisbon, Portugal

▶︎ Who NEEDS to make an Entry Declaration with the SEF

The Declaration of Entry into Portugal is mandatory for all foreign citizens who are nationals of third States*, who enter the country through a border not subject to control, coming from another Member State, and who are temporarily installed in private homes or other type of accommodation not linked to the communication of accommodation to the SEF.

▶︎ Who DOES NOT NEED to make an Entry Declaration with the SEF

  • National citizens of third States entering Portugal by border subject to control;

  • Nationals of third States resident or being visa holders, authorized to stay in Portugal for a period of more than 6 months;

  • National citizens of third States who settle in hotel establishments or other types of tourist accommodation that are required to communicate accommodation to the SEF;

  • Community citizens*.

▶︎ When should you make your Entry Declaration?

Within 3 working days, from the date of entry into Portugal.

▶︎ What do you need to make your Entry Declaration?

  • Print and fill out the own Entry Declaration template available online in the "Printed" area; and

  • Deliver in person, upon prior appointment for travel to the SEF counter, the completed model accompanied by a passport or other valid travel document, where there is a visa, if applicable, or entry stamp in another Schengen State.

▶︎ Where can you deliver your Entry Statement?

At any SEF service desk.

▶︎ Consequences of non-compliance with the duty of Declaration of Entry within 3 working days from the date of entry into Portugal

Application of misorder punishable by a fine of 60 to 160€.

*The Declaration of Entry into Portugal is mandatory for all nationals of third States, that is, who are not nationals of one of the following countries of the European Union or equivalent: Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Listenstaine, Lithuania.

Fonte: imigrante.sef.pt
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