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Writer's picturePatrícia Rosas

New Measures Implemented in Portugal

Measures implemented in Portugal in November 2021 The Portuguese government has been taking all the necessary public health measures to protect the entire population, as well as those who visit the country.

The measures in force may be revised according to the evolution of the epidemiological situation.


1) Arriving in Portugal by plane


ALLOWED (Essential and non-essential travel)

Countries of the European Union or of a state associated with the Schengen Area (Liechtenstein, Norway, Finland and Switzerland), Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, States United States of America, Jordan, Kuwait, Namibia, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, United Kingdom, Rwanda, Singapore, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uruguay and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau:

- RT-PCR test (or similar NAAT test) - 72h before boarding, or Rapid Antigen Test - 48h before boarding, or valid EU COVID Digital Certificate, or valid Vaccination or Recovery Certificate issued by a third country under conditions of reciprocity: Albania, Andorra, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Israel, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Morocco, Monaco, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Panama, San Marino, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Vatican;

- Children under 12 do not need to submit a test;

- All passengers must complete the Passenger Locator Card (individually) before departure to Portugal or on board, available at: www.portugalcleanandsafe.pt/en/passenger-locator-card.

Passenger Locator Card

From December 1st

- Mandatory negative test for all flights arriving in Portugal, even for those with a digital vaccination certificate, regardless of the point of origin of the flight or the nationality of the passenger;

- This measure applies to air, land, sea and river borders.


ALLOWED (Essential and non-essential travel)

- RT-PCR Test (or similar NAAT test) - 72h before shipment, or Rapid Antigen Test - 48h before shipment (according to European Commission list based on Council Recommendation of January 21, 2021), or Declaration of Immunity (for those who already had COVID-19), or valid EU COVID Digital Certificate;

- Passengers can take a free test on arrival and wait for the result in prophylactic isolation (between 12 and 24 hours);

- Children aged 12 years and under do not need to present a certificate or test.;

- All passengers, except holders of the EU COVID Digital Certificate of vaccination or recovery, must complete a previous questionnaire, available at https://mysafeazores.com;

- More information at www.visitazores.com.


ALLOWED (Essential and non-essential travel)

- RT-PCR test (or similar NAAT test) - 72h before boarding, or Rapid Antigen Test - 48h before boarding, or Vaccination certificate (complete vaccination schedule 14 days before entering Portugal), or Declaration of Immunity (for whom have already had COVID-19, eg), or valid EU COVID Digital Certificate;

- Test on arrival;

- Voluntary isolation, for a period of 10 days, at your home or in a hotel establishment;

- Children under 12 do not need to submit a test;

- Passengers must register at https://madeirasafe.com. More information at https://www.visitmadeira.pt.

2) Arriving in Portugal by land

There are no restrictions on circulation until December 1st.

3) Arriving in Portugal by sea

The same rules apply as by air.

Important note: The information published on this page summarizes the measures published by the government in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Before traveling, it is important to confirm the entry formalities with the airline and the Foreigners and Borders Service (www.sef.pt / sef@sef.pt), the entity responsible for border control.


1. Public transport

a. The use of a mask is mandatory.

b. Public transport without occupancy limitation.

c. Taxis and similar transport (TVDE) without occupancy limitation.



  • Restaurants with no maximum limit of people per group;

  • End of requirement for digital certificate or negative test for access to restaurants and accommodation;

  • End of time restrictions;

  • End of capacity limits, namely in local commerce establishments, in weddings and baptisms and in cultural shows;

  • Opening of bars and clubs;

  • End of restriction on the sale and consumption of alcohol.

It is mandatory to present the EU COVID Digital Certificate in:

- Travel by air or sea;

- Major cultural, sporting or corporate events (confirm information on the event website);

- Bars and clubs;

- Visits to health facilities and homes.

2. From December 1st:

- Mandatory mask in closed spaces;

- General recommendation for regular testing and teleworking;

- Digital vaccination certificate required when accessing:

• Restaurants; • Tourist establishments and local accommodation; • Events with marked seats; • Gyms.

- Mandatory negative test (even for vaccinated) in access to:

• Visitas a lares e a pacientes em estabelecimentos de saúde • Large events without marked seats or in improvised venues and sports venues

3. 2nd to 9th January - Contact Retention Week

Closing of clubs


  • General behavioral guidelines

√ Social distancing

√ Frequent hand washing

√ Respiratory tag

  • Mandatory use of mask

√ In public transport and public transport for passengers, concert halls and events, large commercial surfaces, residential structures for the elderly, health establishments and services.

√ By workers in bars, clubs, restaurants and commercial and service establishments.

√ In public passenger transport (including air transport and taxis or TVDE)

  • Clean & Safe In tourism, the “Clean & Safe” seal was implemented, which allows for greater security and confidence in the use of accommodation establishments, in the various services and tourist attractions.

Updated information on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal

OMS – World Health Organization - https://covid19.who.int/region/euro/country/pt

DGS – General Directorate of Health - https://covid19.min-saude.pt


Definition of Essential Travel

Essential trips are those intended to allow the transit, entry or exit from Portugal for professional, study, family reunion reasons, for health reasons or for humanitarian reasons.


a. Upon arrival in Portugal, at the airport, there may be passenger control

b. The test result must include:

  • type of test performed;

  • passenger's name (according to passport);

  • birth date;

  • clear identification of the laboratory, including certification;

  • the date and time the sample was taken and the explicit negative result;

  • SMS is not a valid format.

c. Passengers who do not present a test in accordance with the requirements must undergo a new test on arrival, before entering Portuguese territory, at their own expense, and must wait for the result in a space designated for this purpose, inside the airport, until obtaining the result.

d. If you are a foreigner and wish to take the COVID-19 test on arrival, before departure or at any time in mainland Portugal or Madeira, you can do so:


The vaccination schedule is considered complete after taking:

a) From a single-dose vaccine, for vaccines with a one-dose vaccine schedule;

b) The second dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 with a two-dose vaccine schedule, even if doses of two different vaccines have been administered; or

c) A single dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 with a two-dose vaccination schedule for people who have recovered from the disease, if it is indicated in the vaccination certificate that the vaccination schedule was completed after administration of one dose.

The complete vaccination schedule is valid 14 days after the last dose has been taken. Only vaccines authorized by the European Medicines Agency are valid in Portugal: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory/overview/public-health-threatsw/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/treatments-vaccines/vaccines-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines-authorised

COVID EU Digital Certificate

Digital certificate

The EU COVID Digital Certificate, accepted from July 1 at borders within the European Union, facilitates the free movement of citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is digital proof that the person:

√ Was vaccinated against COVID-19, or √ Received a negative test result (TAAN test), or √ Recovered from COVID-19 disease. * Children under 12 are exempt from presenting the COVID Digital Certificate or testing.

Certificates issued by third countries, under reciprocal conditions

Vaccination certificates must include:

  • Name(s) and surname(s) of the holder;

  • Date of birth;

  • Target disease or agent: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 or one of its variants);

  • COVID-19 vaccine or prophylaxis;

  • Name of the COVID-19 vaccine;

  • Marketing authorization holder or manufacturer of the vaccine against COVID-19;

  • Number in a series of doses as well as the total number of doses in the series;

  • Vaccination date, indicating the date of the last dose administered;

  • Member State or third country where the vaccine was administered;

  • Entity issuing the certificate.

Recovery certificates must include:

  • Name(s) and surname(s) of the holder;

  • Date of birth;

  • Disease or agent from which the holder recovered: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 or one of its variants);

  • Date of first positive diagnostic test result;

  • Member State or third country in which the diagnostic test was carried out;

  • Entity issuing the certificate;

  • valid certificate

Non-reciprocity in the recognition by third countries of the validity of the EU COVID Digital Certificate, in the modalities of vaccination or recovery certificates, issued by Portugal, prevents recognition of the validity of certificates issued by these third countries.

More Travel Information

On the European Union website - https://reopen.europa.eu - information is made available for each country on borders, available means of transport, travel restrictions, public health and safety measures, as well as other practical information for travelers. Regulations in force worldwide are available from the IATA Travel Centre (International Air Carrier Association).

Portuguese international airports (Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Ponta Delgada and Funchal) have implemented measures to maintain the safety of everyone, employees and passengers. A system for measuring body temperature on arrival was implemented. More information at https://www.ana.pt/en/passenger-guide/what-you-need-to-know/covid-19

Portuguese travelers

If you are Portuguese or reside in Portugal and are going to travel, you should check the restrictions in each country on the Communities Portal:

Advice to Travelers - www.portaldascomunidades.mne.pt/pt/conselhos-aos-viajantes If you are traveling and need support on your return to Portugal, you can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the helpline for Portuguese travelers:

Source: Visit Portugal


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